AlaFolie takes part to Fundraiser for Alberta to support victims of the forest fire from may 15th to may 31th with a special edition of Baba Dress sold only during this event. All the benefit of this sale is given to the Red Cross.
Price : 380 L$
The Runway Perfect hunt is from May 1st to May 31st
You can get all the info on their website, The Runway Perfect hunt or their Flickr group.
The hunt start at Moondance Boutique
The hint for AlaFolie is :
What does this object under my feet ?
?Enjoy :)
Fitted mesh
Slink mesh body support
Can be worn with Maitreya mesh body too
Fat pack shipped with a hud to switch between 8 differents textures for the dress and 16 different textures for the ribbon :
Special Revamped price : 800 L$
One texture model :
Special Revamped price : 300 L$
As a AlaFolie group member you get a 200 L$ gift card near the fountain in the main store.
The first Omega appliers for mesh bodies are available. These will allow you to wear AlaFolie outfits with most mesh bodies on the market. Other appliers will be available in the coming weeks. Two situations are possible:
- You already have an outfit and only want to get the applier. In that case, you can buy it for 60 L$ on Marketplace.
- You plan to buy an outfit of the list and use it with you mesh body. You have nothing to do since the applier is included in the outfit package.
You can find the mesh bodies list supported by Omega and the instructions to use the applier with each of them on the website of Omega system
Here is the today list of outfits having an Omega applier :
- By night
- Jaune plisse
- Lady Azure courte
- Lady Azure longue
- Lady Gray courte
- Lady Gray longue
- Lady Chocolat courte
- Lady Chocolat longue
- Lady Monaco courte
- Lady Monaco longue
- Lemon Lady courte
- Lemon Lady longue
- Lola Slinky bleu
- Lola Slinky jaune
- Lola Slinky rose
- Lola Slinky vert
- Mariee passion
- Mariee passionnement
- Robe d'ete anglaise
- Robe d'ete blue and white
- Robe d'ete coquelicot
- Robe d'ete feuille
- Robe d'ete fleur bleue
- Robe d'ete japonaise
- Robe d'ete jaune
- Robe d'ete roses
- Robe d'ete violette
- Rose tull
- Sahara
- Signorita Rojo
- Snow girls
- Soie et taffetas noir
- Soie et taffetas rose
- Soie et tull brode
- Star courte bleu
- Star courte brown
- Star courte jaune
- Star courte mauve
- Star courte rose
- Star courte rouge
- Star courte saumon
- Star courte
- Star courte vert
- Star longue marron
- Star longue bleu
- Star longue jaune
- Star longue mauve
- Star longue rose
- Star longue rouge
- Star longue saumon
- Star longue vert
- Tiffany's marie
- Tull tulipe
- Valentina gown
- Vintage DR. Star
- Vintage dress
- Agatta
- Balcerise
- Ballerine
- Ballerine blanche
- Brise d'ete
- Charleston
- Chemisier dentelle B
- Diament noir
- Diament noir V1
- Diament noir V2
- Iris bleu
- Iris rouge
- Iris vert
- Josephine
- Miss Philippines courte
- Miss Philippines V1
- Miss Philippines V2
- Neferati
- Oceane
- Opale
- Passion noir
- Passion ornoir
- Pauline
- Pink Lady courte
- Pink Lady longue
- Precieuse diament
- Precieuse jade
- Precieuse parme
- Precieuse rose
- Precieuse yellow
- Scarlette